Welcome to StepAway

Connecting Corporate Training Professionals, Contractors & Consultants

About TheLearnTrain

We are Corporate Training, Learning & Development, professionals. 

(But we are also every other working professional who finds themselves needing to train someone. Because it has become everyone's job.)

We work together getting better at what we do helping others get better at what they do. 

{And yes, it really is that simple.} 

We are professionals with varying degrees of experience including those just starting their journey or have an interest in transitioning from their current job.

Why You Should Join

Join us and build your own network. TLT offers you professional growth in a network of peers, colleagues, and friends. 

Training is an Event

Learning is a Process

Technology Supports Both

[Performance is the ultimate goal]

The members of TLT also offer their knowledge and skills to the community by facilitating workshops and other training sessions.